French Origin Guaranteed

The “Origine France Garantie” label provides consumers with product traceability by giving a clear and objective indication of origin. This label guarantees that at least 50% (93,6% for Tonnellerie Leroi) of the barrels components are of French origin and that the transformation has been realized in France.

100% PEFC

We are fully committed to the sustainable development of forests and Bureau Veritas certifies our supplies from PEFC forests and unquestioned sourcing. Bureau Veritas certifies that Tonnellerie Leroi respects the criteria for the certification of the control chain (BVFR-PEFC-COC -2172175-C).

ISO 9001

We are committed to managing quality and meet our customers’ expectations with Bureau Veritas.


From stavemill to cooperage, Tonnellerie Leroi is commited to a HACCP approach (a system that identifies, assesses and controls significant hazards with regard to food safety). Bureau Veritas Certification issues us a certificate of recognition for our HACCP mastery of Tonnellerie Leroi products through the number : N°BV/181/RE


Our continuous analyses are carried out by Laboratoire Exact, a specialist in the food industry.